Ways I Help
An expert in child development, behavior, mood, and
chronic dis-ease.

Other functional medicine offices cost thousands of dollars just to start. More effective and affordable options exist.
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Holistic guidance needed to determine the best individual steps to get your life aligned combining neurology, functional medicine, and energetic methods. Searching for answers stops here. Schedule here

Recover from persistent pain and issues. Set children up for lifelong neurodevelopmental health and mental wellbeing. Both adults and children can benefit. h
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Affordable Choices
The magnitude of healing is directly proportional to the choices you make.
Every choice moves one closer to or further from health. Some choices lead to immediate and noticeable change/symptom reduction; these are the easiest to make. Short-term gains can be rewarding - relief even - but also require more energy input overall as they require constant attention and effort.
Knowing the causes of symptoms, mood, behavior, and dis-ease make the choices for long-term change obvious. More is not always better. Better is ease, joy, and fulfillment amidst the noise and overwhelm of the day to day stress of life.
While I offer single visit options, my membership model ensures one thing:
a focus on what is necessary without unexpected fees.
Member discounts available for all services.
Life Aligned
The last consult you'll need
Discover your innate healing ability
It is no secret that the world is full of external toxins and nourishment lacks in many. While everyone needs to manage these, it is mindset and the ability of our nervous systems to regulate that sets apart those experiencing dis-ease states and those with vital health.
My own experience of various issues helps me to have compassion for others during their conscious discovery of how best to resolve symptoms, conflict, and health struggles whether acute or chronic.
Watching the video should help you decide if working with me would be a good choice for you. Once you schedule a consult and have proper consents and information on file, specific medical advice can be given.
I look forward to hearing your story & helping you!

The Blog
For The Curious

Change Is Possible
What They Said
On Purpose Parents
Disconnected kids lead to disconnected families.
What if all the struggles had a purpose? Chances are they do!
Kids are mirrors to parts of our unhealed selves. Solving their symptoms, moods, behaviors, and health struggles is an exhausting challenge. But it doesn't have to be!
On Purpose Parents blends foundations of attachment, growth, development, and parenting in a way that makes it easy for parents to tackle challenges with less overwhelm.
Find Freedom
Feeling Defeated?
Maybe more input, solutions & answers is not what you need for you or your child.
Is your brain optimizing your mental health or contributing to dis-ease?
What good are diagnoses and labels without root causes identified?
Are you ready to experience freedom for your health & life?